DO IT YOURSELF|A circle skirt

Hi everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your week? Well let’s dive straight in. Today is DIY day!!

Like I said in my previous post APRIL FOOL OR APRIL GENIUS, I have been exploring other aspects of my life while waiting for internship. One of it is my sowing skills.

I got my 7258 stylist singer machine in 2014 as a birthday gift to myself but haven’t really been doing much on it because of studies, no more excuses now.

So among other things I made, this circle skirt is my favorite. I love the material, color combo and it’s just what I need to add to my collection of skirts right now.

I am sharing this with you my faithful readers to encourage you to go for whatever it is you want to try out or do. If you fail at it the first time, do it again till you get it right.. “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” Albert Einstein.


  1. Fabric, 2yards 60″ 
  2. Bias binding, 5yards
  3. 1 black Zip 8″-10″
  4. Scissors
  5. Measuring Tape
  6. Black thread
  7. Button
  8. Pins
  9. Sowing machine
  10. Interfacing

* It’s Calculations Time!

  • I measured my waist circumference, 28″.
  • Then divide it by 6.28 (circumference of a circle) to get my radius.  28/6.28 =4.6″.
  • Measured my desired length from my waist downward, just a bit below the knees 25″
  • Then summationed 25″ + 4.5″ = 29.5″ 

* I assembled my fabric on the backside and folded it four times, in half and then in half again.

  • I positioned the end of the measuring tape at the folded corner of my fabric.
  • For the outer circle, using the radius+length 29.5″, I started marking from the folded edge, then pivoted the tape and marked again, repeated it until I reach the other folded end. Making sure the tip of tape remains at the corner. Then I used scissors to cut it out

Did the same for inner circle too, just using radius alone 4.5″. Then cut it out.

  • I made a complete back seam opening and was able to place the zipper easily.
  • I cut out my waistband from the remaining fabric by measuring my waist 28″ +1.5″ = 29.5″ for length and 41/2″ for width.
  • Did the same for the length and width of the interfacing, then I placed the shiny part of the interfacing on the backside of the waistband and ironed both together, then folded it into half.

* I attached my waistband to the circle skirt and 

* Finally, I sew on my bias binding on the hemline (bottom edge) of the skirt.

What is it you know how to make or do or want to learn? Cream, soap, juice, makeup, dancing..? Research about it, Make it yourself, Start that classes today or that business or the singing. 

Just take that first step towards achieving it. You can do it!

Isn’t the color combo beautiful? Do you have any cloth that has this combinations? If you have any question, feel free to drop it, I will be glad to answer.

64 thoughts on “DO IT YOURSELF|A circle skirt

  1. Wow!! Wow!! This is lovely.. Alot was going on my mind as i was reading this.. I feel. Inspired to learn how to sow too. I love trying new things..
    Thanks for this post.. I was thinking of what to do during my summer break.. I guess tailorinh school will do this well.. As i love fashion too..
    Thanks again!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh wow, that’s nice, you should totally go for it, it’s never a waste to learn something new. And tailoring is great, once you get a grip of it, you can begin to sow for yourself and family. You can always play around with it also and you can never tell where that might lead you. Don’t over think it, just do it.. thanks for reading my piece. Enjoy your week @ifytricyoncall. Xoxo.


    1. Lol @ kcfaith, at the beginning it may seem tough and confusing just like any new thing but it’s becomes easier as you do it over and over again. Thanks for reading my post. Am glad you love it. Have a great week

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Your skirt is absolutely lovely. It reminds me of a full circular skirt I had when I was just 18 – I loved that skirt although I did once do an unintentional ‘Marilyn Monro’ when a gust of wind caught it and blew it up and out of control!
    Thanks for following my blog too.. x

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks @wendy for going through my post too, hahaha, i experienced a bit of that while trying to take out pictures of the skirt with the wind. Enjoy your week wendy and keep the brilliance within flowing out

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Gorgeous skirts with the occasional ‘oops’ moments.. haha! I plan to have a great week and hope you do too.. I love that -keep the brilliance within flowing out! Fab and I’ll try to live up to the expectation xx

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks @uche, because it’s you now i will have to increase the bill, lets chop the money together now. Thanks for checking out my blog and am glad you love the skirt. Enjoy your week. 💘💘

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I seconded Margaret post 😃😃😃
    U know my birthday is equally approaching fast. It will not be bad having a coat of many colours like Joseph 😂😂😂
    I try following your descriptions, but got lost at some point. So I guess it’s more than my expertise for now 😉
    Educative, informative and inspiring post. Keep soaring

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a lot floridaborne, do you have a machine? If you do you should totally try it out. You would love it and that joy of making ir yourself is also added lol. Enjoy the rest of your day. Xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

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