DIARY OF AN INTERN #3|13 Lessons I learnt so far that would help you 

Time runs so fast, it’s been 4months now since I started internship and I am now in Paediatric department, oh I love babies! In Neonatology at the moment meaning we see newborns alone and do all assessments needed, you can call it postnatal also.

As applied to any other profession or job, there are things you learn during the period of service, I have compiled these thirteen things and it’s been helping me pull through, I hope it helps you also.

1. Know your stuffs:
I said “stuffs” because there are a lot to know. In each department things are run differently, what is applicable in the previous might not be in the next, know your department; consultants, residents, Gmos, interns, students, patients.

On rounds there will be questions thrown at anyone or even you in particular, you might not be able to answer all of course but have an idea, don’t be lost in everything, find out, ask questions, read and research.

2. Open mindedness:
In medical field you can never know everything because there are new inventions everyday so be willing to consider new ideas, learn new things or approach and meet new people. Also try to be understanding, listen and do not be too quick to judge. 

3. Pray ahead: There are a lot you will face everyday I tell you, from little things like communicating to/examining your patients, going for rounds, patients urinating/vomiting on you to big ones of just talking to a patient and the next minute he/she is dead. You definitely need God’s grace to pull you through, before you exit your home, always commit everything in His able hands.

4. Get a thick skin:
people will always talk and there is no doubt about that regardless of what you do or who you are, even people you least expected. Insults may come in diplomatic ways, juniors or seniors might cross the line, don’t let them get under your skin or make you flip to the dark side, coat yourself against words penetration and don’t let anyone steal the joy in your day.

5. Forgive easily:
  I don’t know if it is only me but any day I decide to be on my best behavior is when a lot of things happens just to tempt me and people decides to cross me that day, forgive them in advance before they even offend you. Let go of offences quickly and don’t keep grudges and your life will be much better, it’s for you not for them.

6. Befriend all, keep few:
There are a lot of backstabbing people, they will smile when they see you, give you fake hugs but they are painting you black in front of others, beware of them. Definitely don’t gather enemies either, be amiable to everyone, just be careful and know who has really got your back, only those few you should trust.

7. Compete with yourself:
If you want to be a greater version of yourself, Compete with yourself, it will make you become a better person than you were yesterday.

8. Always be on top of your game:
No body likes slackers or time wasters, you know what to do already, do it. If you don’t, do not be afraid to ask so that you can start collating everything before rounds starts. Don’t let the seniors be ready and you are still confused, or you don’t have everything together, no, it’s doesn’t portray you as a good Doctor.

9. Always apologize and be respectful: whether you were right or wrong, it doesn’t matter at this point especially with a senior, don’t suck up to anyone but at the same time remember you are at the bottom of the ladder. Respect is reciprocal, whether young or old, junior or senior, patients or doctors, respect all.

10. Impairment of judgement:
do not allow other’s judgment to impair yours, because they weren’t treated nicely or loved doesn’t mean you will be treated the same way. Be yourself, do your work diligently and people will automatically be your friend, loving you will be inevitable. 

11. Be early:
Nobody likes late comers or absentees, we all have one million reasons to come late to work or decide to sleep in for a week, be disciplined with your timing. If you are early, you will get the work done earlier and then relax afterwards.

12. Be a good team player:
Work well with people, don’t always be the venom or bad omen or the lazy one no body wants to work with, rather render your help when it’s needed. You should reach the point where your colleagues can solely depend on you.

13. Forget the haters: 
if 80% likes you forget the remaining 20%. In a world where you can definitely not satisfy everyone, if you have gotten as much as 80% to get along with you, you have over tried! I still don’t understand why some people just pick on you unnecessarily though, no matter how hard you try it is just never enough or appreciated, don’t take them on, breath and continue to do your very best.

That’s all I have got for now!

Lot of Love from your girl

You can also check this out


24 thoughts on “DIARY OF AN INTERN #3|13 Lessons I learnt so far that would help you 

  1. Whoa all these have motivated me towards how to go about my last year in school. I have been quite nervous but reading this has taught me a lot. I have learnt from this that God gat my back, prayer is the master key, be organized and punctual, be determined and work towards attaining the goals. Thanks for the word.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ohh royal queen you are welcome! I am glad you were able to piece it all out like this and mold it for your own personal use.
      Most importantly, thank you for checking out my piece.
      I wish you all the best through your final year journey, don’t worry just do you best and leave the rest for God to handle, cast all your cares on Him and I will soon see you in your gown. 💘💘


  2. Number 6 & 13 absolutely spot on. No matter what there will be people who talk about you behind your back and smile to your face. I have experienced it myself unfortunately and I don’t like to get myself involved in such situations.

    I love the advice you’ve given. It’s all relatable to me so I’ll take it on board. Another thing which is absolutely crucial to be successful in anything is prayer. If you haven’t got prayer and God in your life you’re lost in my opinion.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a lot for stopping here I am so glad to have you around.
      Yah, I agree with you, without God in everything you have no direction to be precise.
      I am glad you loved the advice I gave and you can relate to them.
      Most importantly, welcome to omobim1 and am happy you will take on my suggestions..

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome; you have a great blog!

        I have been in and out of hospital a lot. Many times I have seen your advice being implemented by junior doctors but very rarely I did see the opposite too. Once a junior doctor turned up late for the morning ward round and I could hear the consultant telling him off, she wasn’t very nice about it either. If I was in that situation I would have felt embarrassed.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh thanks!
        Yah, I am guessing for lupus cos it in your title, I hope you are feeling better right now?
        There are doctors and there are DOCTORS, if you get what I mean. So you will definitely see different kinds. I am working hard to be part of the good ones sometimes the stress get to you but you just have to remember who you really are.


      3. Yes, all my admissions have been related to lupus. I’m on the mend now. Just taking each day at a time, slowly.

        I know what you mean! I hope all goes well for you and your hard work pays off. We need more good doctors. I have come across a few ‘bad’ doctors. It’s an unpleasant experience for both parties. But I guess the good ones outweigh the ‘bad’ ones significantly. Thank God for that!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I was smiling throughout the whole write up. About few yrs back, if someone would have told me you will agree to most of these points (esp 4,5,6 and 9), I would have find it hard to believe. But you dishing the advice out, is a whole new level.
    I am glad seeing how much you have grown. Am sitting back, enjoying the ride of greater transformation to come.
    That was a superb piece bestie.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks @ tiffzsmily for reading my pieces and I am glad you decided to pull up your socks, did u kick start that already? How is it working for you?
      You are officially welcome to my blog..😃


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